At Turner, I designed a multitude of graphical assets including websites, wireframes, logos, illustrations, and animated graphics for various Turner Broadcasting web initiatives, foremost of all including, a popular lifestyle blog targeted towards women.



In 2008, Turner had plans to dominate the entertainment webscape, ushering in a triumvirate of women focused destinations including The Frisky (lifestyle), The Scan (news), and The Fetching (fashion and beauty). The Frisky had already launched by the time I was brought onboard, quickly gathering a sizeable and dedicated audience, however both The Fetching and The Scan died on the vine and my design focus turned towards The Frisky full-time. As a leading woman's entertainment and lifestyle website, The Frisky had a lot of article categories that needed sub-branding in addition to internal and external ads, and ad-hoc editorial graphics that required a lightning quick turnaround.

After my experience at MTV, working at The Frisky exposed me to my first major professional challenge in design fluidity as its visual language and demographic were quite different to that I was used to at that point and I will always appreciate the invaluable professional growth and perspective this experience provided me.

Unfortunately, while the site has since changed ownership several times, upon occasional returns, I noticed that a few of my designs were still in use MANY years following my tenure there, the ultimate dream of any creative professional!

The Frisky site ident/bumper animation

The Scan site ident/bumper animation



March Man-ness was an exercise in user participation and a tongue-in-cheek riff on the famous March Madness basketball playoffs, billed as an alternative event in which the largely female reader constituency could vote on their personal favorite players based solely on their physical attractiveness without other insignificant qualifiers like their education, personality, or actual playing ability ruining the fun! For the duration of the official March Madness playoffs, unworthy individual players were eliminated from the March Man-ness tournament bracket until eventually a single player won, but of course, we ALL win!


Speaking of men, Turner didn’t want to leave the fellas behind so these were a series of propositions for male-oriented sites in the comedic/satirical vein of Maxim and The Onion that I designed with John Wooden (of Conan O'Brien's Team Coco online fame) as the creative lead proposed as counterparts to their female focused offerings. Unfortunately none of these concepts developed into actual sites, but can you imagine just how much more awesome the internet landscape would be with a destination like Dudesplosion in it?


Atlantic Records - Various Projects