STROKES OF GENIUS | Event Overview


After the positive reception of my In With The New projection animation, I was tasked to lead yet another projection concept for the Spring 2017 enrollment advertisement campaign, this time with the desire to add a strong interactive component in a public space motion piece that would abstractly represent The New School's academic focus on collaboration and interdisciplinary student paths.

We teamed up with the amazing folks at Stink Digital who refined the visual execution of my initial concept and provided the technology and expertise to produce this amazing initiative which debuted as a public event under the Dumbo archway.

CONCEPT Ian S. Foster



My initial explorations examined the idea of having a series of projections displaying one such question over a non-descript wall with everyday pedestrians of various walks of life coming into the projection space and manipulating a portion of the image with their mere presence, which would then uncover a "world beyond the wall" that illustrated a message/call to action about The New School and through strong graphic and motion design. To and fro movement would distort the space in interesting ways like an organic collage, teasing the underlying message and since each individual uncovers but a small part of the entire area, more people would have to enter the space to reveal the complete image, encouraging participation from curious onlookers and simultaneously invoking a sense of community and individual value, representing a microcosm of the school's academic focus on collaboration
and interdisciplinary student paths.


However, due to the discovery of some technological and logistic restrictions, I had to simplify the scope of the project's execution. Still highly attracted to the meta concept of disparate individuals with a world of ideas and disciplines between them meeting and mixing to solve interesting problems and create something bigger than themselves, and inspired in part by our team's successful "Force of New" print advertisement campaign which featured the concept of asking passing audiences a series of thought-provoking questions with powerful typographic design, I soon refined the concept to focus on just two persons entering the projected space at a time who both represent a distinct discipline with an abstracted visual representation of it trailing behind them on the wall "canvas" with their eventual convergence providing an answer to the question, giving the piece a performative quality. Ultimately as the project evolved through production, instead of answering questions, convergence leads to the generation of questions from a process designed to spark creativity and unlock new possibilities, epitomizing The New School academic agenda and showcasing it's community's excellence.

At this point we teamed up with Stink Digital who again refined the visual execution of my concept and provided the technology and expertise to produce this initiative which debuted as a public event under the Dumbo archway as chronicled at the top.


New School Live
